Thursday 24 November 2011

Eurostar Talk - An Evolution Into Specification By Example

The slides for my talk at EuroSTAR on "An Evolution into Specification By Example" should be available on the EuroSTAR site.

Further Reading from Me

Regarding some of the points raised there is some further reading that may be of interest:-

On Reporting Confidence and Collecting Criteria, Assumptions and Risks

On some of the benefits of Writing your own test harness using a set of principles for test automation

Other Relevant Reading

Some external relevant links:-

Gojko Adzic's Book on Specification By Example and the summary points here

James Bach on Thread based Test Management and the Case against Test Cases

Some posts from Michael Bolton on potential problems with reporting "Done" "The Undefinition of Done" and "The Relative Rule and the Unsettling Rule"

For anyone that has attended the talk and wants to comment or ask any questions please comment on this post and I'll be happy to discuss anything with you further.

Adam Knight said...

Some great feedback on twitter/email - thanks folks! :-

Jeremy Kearney
I was really impressed with your presentation today which was in fact the best of the EuroSTAR week...

@itznigy Nigel Johnson
@adampknight Great presentation.My team and I found it useful.Always interesting to hear real life stories.Good luck on your agile journey

@Steven_Cross Steven Cross
Pretty impressed with @adampknight at #Eurostar

@TestSideStory Zeger Van Hese
Good stuff in @adampknight's session about the evolution of his testing in an agile project. And pictures of dinosaurs too! FTW! #esconfs

@steveo1967 John Stevenson
@adampknight another great track to make you think #esconfs

@gbrindusa Brindusa Gabur
Evolution into Specification by Example - recap - @adampknight #esconfs. One of the best talks I heard today

@steveo1967 John Stevenson
@adampknight "it takes time to adapt to change" #esconfs

@alex_schl Alex Schladebeck
@adampknight implementing strategies not because they are standard but because they respond to our needs in our context +1

@darren_mcmillan Darren McMillan
"This year we started wearing clothes in the office" @adampknight reveals all at #esconfs

@ElizaFx ElizaFx
@adampknight suspects that his testing team has not reached evolution pinacle yet. When they do will look like refugees from the x-files

@steveo1967 John Stevenson
@adampknight "If it does not have testability - then it becomes very difficult to automate" #esconfs

@gbrindusa Brindusa Gabur
Automation principles: incremental growth, DRY (don't repeat yourself), user input driven, testability @adampknight #esconfs

@michaelbolton Michael Bolton
Since "done" is a) a bit, and b) a business decision, @adampknight's test team provides information about the story instead. #esconfs

@steveo1967 John Stevenson
@adampknight mentions Thread Based Exploratory #testing @jamesmarcusbach mentioned it here: #esconfs

@michaelbolton Michael Bolton
A report on a thread-based approach to #testing time management, where session-based didn't fit the context. @adampknight #esconfs

@steveo1967 John Stevenson
@adampknight mentions Thread Based Exploratory #tetsing @jamesmarcusbach mentioned it here: #esconfs

@steveo1967 John Stevenson
@adampknight backs up @michaelbolton view that excel is a testers friend #esconfs

@alex_schl Alex Schladebeck
#esconfs @adampknight really enjoying this talk, especially dinosaur slides :)

@darren_mcmillan Darren McMillan
@adampknight showed me his scope analysis model earlier in the test lab, fantastic stuff. Would have been good detail in his slides #esconfs

@darren_mcmillan Darren McMillan
Analysing new scope: Define risks, assumptions, acceptance criteria @adampknight #esconfs

@gbrindusa Brindusa Gabur
Testers, challenge requirements!!!Reject solutions,request examples,raise testing profile!Collaboration is the key- @adampknight #esconfs

@steveo1967 John Stevenson
Requesting examples of user stories and challenging the requirements uncovered hidden information @adampknight #esconfs

@steveo1967 John Stevenson
@adampknight "not sure Jurassic park would have been the same with a cpl of hundred hungry turkeys running around" #esconfs

@gbrindusa Brindusa Gabur
User's stories keys advantages: value driven, independent, recursive @adampknight #esconfs

@gbrindusa Brindusa Gabur
Faster feedback cycle encourages evolution - @adampknight #eaconfs

@gbrindusa Brindusa Gabur
For software, as with nature, there is no universal concept for success @adampknight #esconfs

@steveo1967 John Stevenson
@adampknight "a successful strategy is dependent on context" #esconfs

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