Wednesday 12 June 2013

Testing Big Data in an Agile Environment


Today my Testing Planet article on Testing Big Data in an Agile environment went online on the Ministry of Testing site. This is a timely post as I am in the process of preparing for a couple of talks on the subject of testing big data in the coming months.

  • I'll be running a session at the July UKTMF Quarterly Forum on 31st July discussing the practicalities of testing big data and the challenges that testers face.
  • In october I'm also presenting at Agile Testing Days a talk entitle Big Data Small Sprint on the challenges that we face trying to test a Big Data Product in short agile iterations

I'll try to post some more on the practicalities of testing a big data product as it is a hot topic in software at the moment. I've previously hosted a skype chat on the subject for testers working in big data environments to share their problems and would be happy to consider something similar again - please comment if you are interested. If you are along at either of the events above please come and say hello - especially if you are facing a big data challenge yourself. For now please take a look at the article, I'd be pleased to receive any feedback that you have on it.

Quiz said...

Hi Adam,
Since Big data has started booming in IT industry, can you please explain what exactly we will be testing w.r.t QA. Whether we will be testing the map reduce function or the data that is stored in the HDFS?. What is the exact testing will be performed by the QA testing team.Can you please elaborate on this topic?

Quiz said...

Hi Adam,
What is the exact testing that will be performed by QA w.r.t to Big data?. Whether it will be like map reduce functionality testing(basically Unit testing) or pig,Hive,HBase testing(more like database testing)in HDFS?.

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